Courses of general lectures

Some ERC courses of lectures are open to the general public.

If you are not an MSU student, postgraduate student or employee, please enroll in advance. Enrollment for a lecture takes place after termination of enrollment for the previous lecture and is considered on a case-by-case basis. In order to attend a certain lecture, you must fill in a form before 8 a.m. of the day when this lecture is to be given. Each lecture requires a separate enrollment. Enrollment for the previous lecture does not guarantee enrollment for the next lecture.

The spring semester, 2010: “Fundamentals of Nanotechnology” and “Current Challenges of Nanotechnology”.

“Fundamentals of Nanotechnology” and “Current Challenges of Nanotechnology” are to be given in the spring semester, 2010. These lectures are open to the general public. If you do not have a pass to the Main Building of MSU, you must enroll for a lecture in advance. You can fill in an application form to attend a lecture from “Fundamentals of Nanotechnology” and “Current Challenges of Nanotechnology” courses here.

The autumn semester, 2009: “Molecular Physiology”.

“Molecular Physiology” – an interdisciplinary course of lectures – was given in the autumn semester, 2009. The lectures were delivered on Mondays, 5 p.m., 01 lecture hall, the Main Building of MSU. The head of the course is Professor M. Ostrovsky, RAS Academician, Head of the Chair of Molecular Physiology, Head of the Laboratory of Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, RAS, President of Pavlov Physiology Society.

The course is compulsory for students of Group NB1 majoring in Nanobimaterials and Nanobiotechnology. For the rest, it is optional.