MSU Nanotechnology Education and Research Center (ERC) was established to consolidate and coordinate efforts of MSU units aimed at research and development and education in nanotechnology and nanosystems.
ERC is an organizational form of integration and coordination of efforts of academic, scientific, innovative and implementation potential of MSU units to combine actions in education and research and development, including international activity and popularization of scientific knowledge.
ERC welcomes the participation of all the faculties, institutes, centers, laboratories and other MSU units that conduct research and provide training along the lines of ERC.
ERC activities conform to the current legislation, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Education, the Charter of MSU, and these Statutes.
The high quality training of young specialists and highly experienced specialists in nanosystems, nanomaterials and nanotechnology is the goal of ERC. It is achieved through integration of scientific and pedagogical potential of MSU units aimed at fundamental and applied research, commercialization of its results, development of new programs and methods that advance and combine fundamental research and training, methodical materials, international collaboration.
This goal requires accomplishment of the following objectives:
ERC conducts educational and research activities, including training highly experienced specialists.
ERC incorporates MSU chairs and units of research institutes — ERC participants.
The essential principles of ERC educational activities include modernization of main curricula and introduction of new academic disciplines, improvement of academic and methodical work, innovative approach to academic process, development of methods of individual target training and introduction of innovative educational technology, including remote learning, development of new practical classes, including classes on simulation of processes in nanosystems and nanomaterials, and special interdisciplinary courses, holding conferences, school for young scientists, etc.
ERC research activities are conducted in laboratories of MSU chairs and units of research institutes — ERC participants.
ERC research activities are carried out within the frameworks of the Federal Target Program for Developing Nanoindustry Infrastructure in the Russian Federation in 2008-2010, Program for Developing Nanoindustry in the Russian Federation up to 2015, RAS Nanotechnolgy Program, Initiative of the President of the Russian Federation on Nanoindustry Development Strategy under contracts with organizations of the Federal Agency for Education, the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and other Russian organizations; the Federal Target Program for Research and Developments according to Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia, Federal Target Program for National Technological Base of Russia, Federal Target Program for Research and Academic and Teaching Staff of Russia in 2009-2013.
The main principles of organization of scientific activities are
ERC trains (and retrains) highly experienced specialists for MSU, RAS, Russian state-owned research centers, research institutes and science-based branches of the real sector of the economy.
ERC Council, members of which are approved by the order of MSU Rector, administers the activities of ERC, makes strategic decisions on research and education in nanotechnology in MSU.
The Board of Directors, members of which are approved by the order of MSU Rector, coordinates the current organizational activities.
The Board of Directors makes an annual report and a list of ERC participants which are submitted to ERC Council on approval. Research and education developments of ERC participants intended for publication shall have the reference to the fact that they have been conducted under ERC.